2024 Technical Support Instrument
The objective of the flagship “Overcoming barriers to regional development” is to support the efforts of the regional authorities, including the EU outermost regions as well as islands, to define and implement appropriate reforms, processes and methodologies to address their development challenges in an integrated manner. In addition, the flagship also supports peer learning within and across Member States.
Coordinating Authorities are encouraged to reach out to their local and regional authorities by forwarding this invitation to them.
Coordinating Authorities are encouraged to reach out to their local and regional authorities by forwarding this invitation to them.
Link: https://ecconf.webex.com/wbxmjs/joinservice/sites/ecconf/meeting/download/5f8175419f774818a175576898889453?siteurl=ecconf&MTID=m8c5673408a93dcf23f8162f83dd3a62e
Contact: REFORM-B3@ec.europa.eu